Media server programming

Programming media servers for content playback on live events, festivals, timecode shows, fairs, pop-up stores and many more.

Managing content on all screens and LED boarding in a football station with real-time parameters? No problem. Just let us know what you are thinking about.

Interactive technologies

Creating big touch screens, AR screens, projected reality and interactive content. Respond to your visitors or their actions by triggering video, light, sound or many more. We make use of different kinds of sensors depending on the needs, budget and environmental conditions.

Track people or special objects on stage. Follow your speaker with a company logo, theme or keywords. Play an introduction video or bumper when a speaker enters the stage or a certain zone, all of this fully automated.


Video mapping

Possible to project on any wall, building or specific item you want with still images or video. Add a wow factor to your event, a real surprise where your guests will still talk about weeks later.

Do you want an LED or LCD screen set-up on your event and want to be creative with content playback, large resolutions or want to sync multiple screens? Get in touch to map you a fancy look.

360 video, tours and livestreaming

Want to be able to get in touch with your audience on a distance? We have our own 360° camera capable to livestream and film up to 8K and take panorama pictures. Video and pictures are available in mono and stereoscopic (3D).

Also, get ready for a virtual 360° tour of your office building, event location or real estate for sale or for rent. Even possible for training purposes by recreating possible situations. Add tags to the tour to inform or question your audience, guide your clients on their tour or add links to your shop.



We have experience with different kinds of hologram technologies: LED fan and projections.

We created a custom connection to control LED fan holograms based on a show, trigger hologram content from lightcues, media servers, sensors or speaker tracking.

Digital signage

Brand visibility, information to share, pathfinding, local streaming of your event to break-out rooms and many more. Make your digital signage interactive to get a better user experience for your event.


Content playback & distribution

For fairs, festivals, VJ, big collection of loops in stock, connections to create stunning content for your project if stock content isn’t what your looking for.

Distrubuting your content over network, over long distances, we have solutions using fiber that can route content to different sources,


Automate actions with specific triggers, combinations with different inputs are possible. Show results live on your screens: update names, pictures, scores, timers and counters.

Trigger and automate all your actions during a show, make sure there are less manual actions needed for both simple and complex tasks and guarantee identical playback each time. Perfect for fairs and fixed installations. Control your whole environment by connecting existing domotica in your show. Control lights and blinds in your building at the start and end of the show and open doors… literally. Creativity is the only limit.


Registration Platforms & App Development

From a simple form to a more complex registration for your events or workshops. Basic but powerful or with additional options (f.e. ticketing system, check-in, polls, mailings). There are infinite possibilities and we deliver a custom made solution for each request.

Development of basic applications for your events or workshops. Apps can contain registration, forms, floorplans, agenda’s and be programmed to complete multiple actions.


For all digital appliances, you need stable and reliable networks on your events. Isolated guest wifi connections, a staff network or a separated (wifi)-network for all your (IoT) devices. We got you covered, from small activations and exhibitions to larger corporate events with a lot of visitors and back-up solutions for different aspects. Contact us for more information. Special requests about specific protocols like Art-net, Dante, SDVoE, NDI or fiber connections, just let us know.


Challenging, but this is actually where the real fun starts. Our job is to work out a solution, to combine everything we know, to realize what you want for your event or project.

Make a 360° video, place a big projection screen or LED wall, make it touch and start looking around in the 360° environment by touching the screen. Live during your event, on your booth or in your showroom.

No ordinary presentations anymore. Combine media playback with a hologram on stage that triggers speaker names, brands, words in sync with the content on screens, automate content playback by giving your speakers RFID tags or IR tracking.

Did you find what you where looking for?

Then get in touch with me! If not, also don’t hesitate to let me know what you are thinking about. We might come up with some great solutions together.